
Happy Employees Make Happy Workplaces

It seems to be the understanding that if you are going to work, then you are going in for a day of drudgery.

Sit at a desk, punch in the numbers and continue through a mind-numbing 8 hour period. This is a significant problem. One that companies have begun to realize they need to address. 5 Dynamics, an organization designed to help with employee engagement shares “A 2017 Deloitte report has shown that nearly 80 percent of executives rated employee engagement either very important or important, but only 22 percent were “excellent” at building a positive employee experience. Even more troubling, 59 percent of respondents indicated that their companies were either not ready or only somewhat ready to address the employee experience challenge.”


This got us thinking.

If statistics show that happy employees are around 20% more efficient in their work environments, it’s time to add some fun to the workplace. We think one of the best ways to do that is to create a game room for work. A place where employees can take a break from the rigors of work. The simple fact of getting up from a desk and standing for a while has substantial health benefits. In some circles, they are calling sitting the new smoking because of the impact it has on your health.


There are multiple benefits from taking a quick break and playing games.

Most obvious, It can help with creativity and problem-solving. When you play games, different parts of your brain are engaged, and it can help you think about your problems in a new way. It helps with stress. You can disengage fully from a work situation that could be stressing you out. It also helps build relationships in the workplace which leads to better collaboration on projects.

If you want to look into a way to help motivate and make your employees happier see how Games for Fun can help you out today!


Stress Less

We live in a society where stress seems like it is part of our lives. For some, it is not even that they have a season of more or less stress, but that it is part of their every day. From waking up late to knowing that amount of work you are about to walk into, to the new boss that doesn’t like you, these are just a few things that we can carry each day. If you work in a high-stress job, it can be even more. We also tend to take on the stress of the people around us. When your child procrastinated on that school project, you watch them melt down, and you can just feel the tension rise in you. Or when your spouse had a particularly bad day, and unfortunately they are taking their frustration out on you. The stressors of life are plentiful.

We all handle stress very differently. But what you may not know is what the stress is doing to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. When your brain is always sending messages to your other organs with heightened stress hormones, your body eventually fails to respond well in actually stressful situations as well as everyday life. Two of the primary victims of constant stress are your heart and your lungs. Your heart is working extra hard to move more oxygen into your muscles, but in that same act, it is raising your blood pressure. Your lungs are working extra hard, but if you already have asthma this can make breathing that much harder. Your digestive system can also take a hit. Under stress your liver creates more glucose that your body may not need, leading you to develop type 2 diabetes possibly. Most people also have greater heartburn while stressed and where this doesn’t cause ulcers it can affect people who already suffer from ulcers. Stress also affects the way your body breaks down nutrients, meaning that your body is not getting all the nutrients out of your food leading to weight gain, constipation or diarrhea.


These are just some of the ways that stress can affect your body. If you want to know about some ways to help de-stress, stay tuned for our next blog.
Games For Fun