
History of Foosball

If you’re an American and have played Foosball before you might think that it’s a weird name; because you’re playing soccer and as far as you know, there are no foos in soccer. And you would be correct. Foos is not an English word. Foosball comes from the German word  Fußball which means football. If you are from any other part of the world, you recognize the game of soccer by the name football. Why does America have to be so different? Why do we use Fahrenheit and the Imperial system? Great question for another blog.

Foosball started in Europe around the 1880’s.
But no one is exactly sure who invented this game or why it was invented. There is speculation that it was to help one man’s grandchildren stave off boredom during the winter. There is also the theory that a wounded soldier came up with the idea on his hospital bed. Regardless of its start, it was patented by an Englishman named Harold Searles Thornton in 1923. The game that he patented looks very much like the game that we play today.


Foosball made its way across the pond around the 1960’s by Lawrence Patterson.

He discovered the game while being stationed in Germany and brought his favorite game home. He started running some tournaments, and the game found traction. But it blew up with E. Lee Peppard who created his brand of tables and tournaments based on his tables. He traveled around the country with tournament prizes ranging from $1,500 all the way up to $100,000. This lasted until the late 70’s when a rising new form of entertainment, the video game, overthrew foosball as king of recreation.


Foosball is still considered to be one of the most accessible and fun games to play.
It’s easy rules, and compact design allowed it to be understood and played by anyone who would want to have some fun. If you are looking into a foosball table, you may want to check out our online store. You can also visit our warehouse to see any of our products first hand. Happy Foosballing!

The Importance of Fun

Having fun can get a bad rap. In fact, there is an old fable that epitomized our point. It’s called The Grasshopper and the Ant. In it, the grasshopper spends the summer singing while the ant stores up food for the winter. Once the winter comes, the grasshopper is hungry and begs for food from the ant who refuses him and tells him to sing away this winter as well. Ok, let’s be clear here. We get the moral of the story; you should plan for your future and not spend all your time singing. However, this fable translates into an attitude that many people carry today. Fun is perceived as being unproductive, selfish or silly.


When we are stressed or overwhelmed with life, we can often forgo on having fun thinking that we don’t have time for it. However, by giving up fun, most people are ultimately stealing their energy from themselves. Because having fun gives you more energy than it takes away. To live a fully healthy life we need to incorporate a balance of work, leisure, fun, and activity. Each of these needs to hold significance in our lives so that we are not overworked or under-rested.


So if you recognize that you may not be giving fun the time that it needs in your life; here are some suggestions on how to start having more fun.


For some of you, your lives are so scheduled that to have fun you will need to schedule it in. Which is great! Give yourself a good chunk of time that will allow you to enjoy the activity, but also not stress you out by taking away too much time from other obligations


Bring a Friend
Sometimes having fun can be as easy as spending time with a good friend. Call up one that you haven’t seen for awhile and do something fun! Maybe go for a hike or play a game. Do something that is fun for both of you.
Games For Fun