table tennis tips

7 Table Tennis Tips

table tennis playerNo matter your skill level, there’s always room for improvement when it comes to table tennis. From basic techniques to skilled shots, there’s a never-ending list of ways to refine and add to your skillset. So, if you’re looking for ways to grow as a player and take on your next opponent with better precision and confidence, check out our favorite tips!

Seven tips for mastering your next table tennis game:

  1. Get the basics down. Every pro player began with the basics. So if you’re just starting, make sure to get these down first. Practice them and refine them, so they’re perfected. Know how to grip your paddle correctly, how to move your feet, and how to apply the different spin effects. And as you practice, be sure not to shy away from your challenges. Focus on your weak points and give them adequate attention, so you improve.
  2. Practice! Practice makes perfect. You know that. But really, put this cliche to action and practice your table tennis skills regularly. Make sure to identify your weaknesses and focus on improvement. You may also exercise some new tactics or integrate a new skill you’ve recently learned. Consider even watching yourself play so you can more easily point out your mistakes.
  3. Practice your spin shots. Once you’ve dialed in the basics, you can practice this challenging yet very effective shot. With this move perfected, you’ll instantly improve as an overall player. Here are a few pointers to try out today:
    • Watch your opponent’s paddle. When they’re paddle is moving from low to high, then they’ve applied a topspin. When it’s high to low, this is a backspin, and from left to right, it’s a right sidespin.
    • Keep an eye on the ball’s logo. The faster this is spinning (or blurrier it appears), the greater the effect of the spin. Taking note of this will benefit your return shot.
  4. Serve with precision. Perfecting your serve will significantly up your game and give you a major advantage over your opponent. For better form on a spin serve, keep your wrists relaxed and increase your swing speed at the very end of the stroke to maximize the ball’s spin. Short serves are a great way to gain the lead as they are difficult to return, but make sure to mix and match your serves to keep your opponent guessing.
  5. Mix up your heights. Once again, it is helpful to mix things up to keep your playmate on their toes. So, be sure to change up the heights from which you take each swing. There are three different heights you might practice. At height one, you’ll hit the ball just before it reaches its maximum height with a backswing coupled with a short and quick stroke. At height two, aim to strike the ball right at its maximum height with a more relaxed technique, preferably a flat shot. And finally at height three, hit the ball when it has bounced is about to hit the table. Forehand loops at this height are most effective.
  6. Return with a low aim. The lower the ball to the net, the more challenging it will be for your opponent to return. You might also try to aim for the farthest edge of the table to catch them off guard. This technique is risky however, without consistent precision. So make sure to practice for complete accuracy before trying it out in a game.
  7. Master your footwork. Don’t remain in one spot! Stay agile and ready to move. Doing so will help you be better prepared to hit the ball at its best possible position. Standing still, no matter your mastery of the ping pong paddle, will cause you to miss or hit inaccurately eventually.

With these simple tips, you’ll be on your way to becoming a better table tennis player. No matter your skill level, there are always ways to improve, so make sure to be refining your techniques continuously! And if you’re in search of some quality equipment on which to practice, make sure to stop by Games For Fun. Our game experts are prepared to assist you in your search for your next table or ping pong accessory!

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