Black Plastic Triangle for Miniature Pool Table


Black Plastic Billiard Triangle

Did the kids lose or break the triangle for their pool table?

Well, we have you covered with this plastic triangle for miniature billiard balls! Durable and economically priced!

There are two types of ball sizes. One triangle is specifically designed to rack billiard balls that are 1-1/2″ diameter, most commonly used on the small pool tables and combo game tables. The 2-¼ balls are used for large pool tables and billiard halls and require a larger triangle. Determine which size balls you have before purchasing.

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Black Plastic Triangle for Miniature Pool Table

Did the kids lose or break the triangle for their pool table? Well, we have you covered with this Black Plastic Triangle for Miniature Pool Balls! Durable and economically priced!

The purpose of the billiard ball triangle is to allow you to rack all 15 numbered balls before the game. The tighter the rack is, the better potential for a great break!

There are two types of ball sizes. One triangle is specifically designed to rack billiard balls that are 1-1/2″ diameter, most commonly used on the small pool tables and combo game tables. The 2-¼” balls are used on standard size pool tables and require a larger triangle.

Please determine which size balls you have before purchasing.

Additional information

Weight .075 lbs
Dimensions 7.75 × 7.75 × 1 in


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